Wednesday, June 5, 2013

round up or down?

background information: i am 8 months pregnant and have a large belly, and i haven't seen my feet in weeks.

carl and i were just discussing whether or not .5 rounds up or rounds down. carl said it rounds up; i said it does neither: .5 is .5.

to me, .55 would round up. but .5 is just simply half.

carl disagreed, so we asked mr. t to weigh in. he agreed with carl, unfortunately. the discussion then turned to them teasing me about whether or not i know basic math. i told them that basic math is below me and bragged about all the math/physics courses i took in college.

mr. t asked what i did with all that knowledge.

carl asked, "so if basic math is below you, can you see it?" while looking at my belly.

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