things for which i am thankful.

  • tootie and her health :)
  • lil sis!
  • my life.
  • my family.
  • my friends.
  • my job.
  • the roof over my head - MY HOUSE!
  • my car (although i admit there are many days i am not thankful for my car) my new car!
  • my experiences.
  • my knowledge.
  • famous quotes that inspire.
  • my hip.
  • diet mountain dew. coke zero.
  • the random people who sit down in my office and chat for 30 minutes to an hour. my new job.
  • glitter.
  • croutons.
  • the interwebs.
  • people who hate me.
  • dvds.
  • my cousins.
  • my glasses.
  • for finally having the strength to stand up for myself.
  • pearls.
  • tank tops.
  • especially tank tops with lace.
  • sparkles.
  • piercers.
  • plastic surgeons.
  • mean people.
  • immature people.
  • people who have the courage to tell you how they feel.
  • rap dictionaries.
  • fake flowers.
  • people who show their appreciation and/or love.
  • people who let you know when they are thinking about you.
  • the fireman who talked to me when i left work crying.
  • the co-worker who came into my office just to give me a hug because she knew i was upset.
  • the gentleman who overheard a conversation and had the balls to tell me he had been through something similar.
  • the co-worker who gave me a hug on the elevator even though she had no idea what i was going through. and the patient in the elevator who said she doesn't know either but would keep me in her prayers.
  • the yogi who gave me advice on showering, breathing, and mantras to relax.
  • the types of relationships where you don't have to say a word, and the other person knows what you mean.
  • a dr telling me i look especially lovely today.