Friday, November 11, 2011

clingyness is attractive.

disclaimer: i dont know how to spell "clingyness" or if its even a real word. oh well.

carl and i decided that we are going to start being clingy to each other because its funny. and funny is always right.

me: im so bored walking by myself.
me: in other news, i still can't believe i didn't get a ticket on sunday.
me: are you mad at me?
me: can we talk?
me: ???????????
carl: haha very nicely done. except you can't stop. you have to get more crazy as i don't respond to your texts.
me: why haven't you been responding?
me: are you with another female??
me: are you cheating on me?
me: now i get it. you wouldn't go with me because you're a cheater.
me: i thought i was special.
me: i thought we had something magical.
me: please give me another chance.
me: i'm desparate.
me: please can we talk about this. i don't know what i did.

the next day:
carl: we're at the plaza now. what are you doing?
me: we're dealing with my stupid washing machine.
carl: we?
carl: who is we?
carl: who is the other person?
carl: is it a dude?
carl: its a fuckin dude, isn't it?
carl: why are you with a dude?
carl: i thought you liked me.
carl: if you like me, why are you with another dude?
carl: what the fuck?
me: haha nice.
carl: quit fucking ignoring me.
carl: why are you laughing?
carl: this isn't a laughing matter.
carl: why do you like to hurt me?
carl: does it make you happy to know im crying?
carl: i hate you.
carl: i dont ever want to see you again.
me: i know.
carl: im sorry. i didnt mean that.
carl: can you just talk to me.
carl: please.

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